Paper Towel Composting Pilot Program Launches
Innovation | Inside UNC Charlotte | February 12, 2024
Inside UNC Charlotte (01/19/24) Karlovitch, Sara
Paper towels and compostable paper comprise nearly 20 percent of the waste collected from UNC Charlotte buildings. To address this, the university's Office of Sustainability and Facilities Management Building Environmental Services and Recycling recently launched a recycling composting pilot program in the Fretwell Building. Special bins have been placed in each restroom to help students, faculty, staffers, and campus visitors separate trash from paper towels. Paper towels collected from the bins will be sent to Earth Farms Organics. The commercial composting facility will then be tasked with making the material safe for return to the soil. It should be noted that the bins for the program were bought via a grant from the Charlotte Green Initiative. This student-led effort allocates funds from UNC Charlotte's student green fund to projects that enable the campus to become more energy efficient and operate in a sustainable manner.
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